Thursday, October 21, 2010

My stance on Purple Day

I care about gay spirit.
I care about gay people.
I care about Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, Pagans and other people of various religious faith or lack thereof.
I care about just about everyone who has beliefs that don't pertain to my personal morals and/or values.
I am, however, against wearing purple. For one, I find it to be one of the gayest (if you'll mind the expression) colors under the sun. In fact, all holidays that require you to wear something to accentuate a certain theme all suck.

(If you don't want to read my shameless ranting, I suggest you skip down to the last paragraph)

These kinds of holidays never made sense to me, including Gay Pride awareness, as well as Breast Cancer awareness and all the other things that attempt to make people aware of things, the keyword being "aware" itself. So you people are saying that if we're not wearing purple or pink ribbons or making a holiday to remember the subject at hand (because NO ONE ever knew that things such as cancer and homosexual abuse existed until everyone started pressuring you to attach something to your person to remember said issue) we are automatically don't know what the hell's going on in the rest of the world? If we're making a day, a week or a month entirely dedicated to the awareness of a single global issue, what happens to the rest of the year after it? If you're saying we need to be aware of something for that allotted amount of days, then your behavior would make it seem like these problems simply vanish afterwards and then we all go home to watch the newest episode of Jersey Shore and laugh at how big Obama's ears are.

Why not make the ENTIRE year from hereafter Awareness Year? God knows we'd solve crap a lot faster that way, and maybe at that rate we'd be able to cure alzheimer's by 2011 from so much spiritual donating.

BUT HAUNTZOR U R MISSING THE WHOLE POINT OF DA HOLIDAY LOL? Maybe I am, or maybe I'm just an insensitive asshole and should be beaten and stoned for it, but my word of advice would be if you're going to make a holiday to remember something:


I mean goddamnit you guys, you mope around talking about cancer like it can't be cured; even breast cancer, which people act like is the equivalent of a time bomb about to go off inside of your tits has been cured oh so many times. Why the hell are we donating to "cure" cancer if so many people are surviving from it, even the ones with malignant infections? (My mother is a skin cancer survivor, don't be giving me shit just because I've never had it) Granted, there are plenty of people dying from it as well but they're mostly the ones who can't afford proper medical treatment.

And why are we all of a sudden so worried about homosexual abuse? Don't get me wrong, seeing someone getting teased because of their orientation makes me do a facepalm too, but gay people have existed since the dawn of man, for Pete's sake, and all the while they've been shunned from regular society too. In fact, our generation is doing a damn fine job in finally accepting people from this group using a magic little technique called "tolerance". They're not exactly universally accepted YET but we're sure as hell trying.

Bottom line, do whatever you want if you want to get in spirit, just don't be acting like you're suddenly Jesus performing an incredible miracle for possessing shades of color on your shirt. Oh well, guess I can't expect to change people.