Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is why I'm a nazi

I'm a critic.  I'm just gonna go right out and say it.  I have something negative to say about fucking everything, no matter how passionately composed the thing is that I'm looking at.  It's not that I'm trying to be an asshole, I guess it's just the way I project myself that makes me sound like it.

Another thing about me is that I'm a huge grammar nazi, which isn't much of a statement on its own, but if you realized how many grudges, the number of enemies and the amount of death threats and chew-outs I've received from people because of it, you'd realize how much of my teenage life it's wrecked so far.

I mean come on, I'll bet you can't look me straight in the eye and tell me that an ADULT typing on a COMPUTER KEYBOARD who can barely type a coherent paragraph, not to mention one that looks like a fucking novel with absolutely no kind of punctuation, consistent sentences or meaning of any sort, doesn't make you question that person's school attendance record.

Naturally, I have to say something.  Now before you say I could also just choose not to say something because I have nothing positive to say about their commentary, please take note that as a grammar nazi, my fucking INSTINCT to point out such gross errors as these.  It's for the good of America, and it's a well-known fact that lazy typers have relations with Al Queda.

It's a conspiracy, doodz

I'm also positive that this is what goes through my head every morning when I wake up:

"Good morning world.  To start the day off, I think I'll do a little bit of not giving a fuck.  And for lunch, I think I'll have myself a little bit of criticism, and then at the end of the day, some good old bitching."


Goddamn, this is bad.
I guess I could just live with it and accept the fact that I'll always be a bitter person who always has something negative to say about everything in every aspect, but I plan to have children, and what will they think of me?

I guess us grammar nazis are just born and fated to live long, lonely lives.

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